
A: You may return all unopened/unused items within 30 days of delivery for a full refund.

A: Most refunds are fully reimbursed 3-5 business days after we receive and process your return. Please mention your customer number/order number for a faster return process.

A: We do offer exchange/replacement of our products within 30 days of delivery. The items have to be in the same condition upon return. Please contact us at should you want to exchange or replace items.

A: When it comes to returns or exchanges being sent back to us, then the return-shipping label has to be paid by the buyer of the product. In the case of a mistake being made on our part, then we take care of the costs regarding the shipping. If you need further information please contact us.

A: Here at Fragrances, Scents and More we strive to make sure all orders are processed properly and that you receive exactly what you order, however, mistakes can happen. If you believe we made a mistake on your order, immediately email us at and we will make sure the issue is resolved.